Friday, January 1, 2016


January 1, 2016 11:23PM

Hey Everyone, I can't believe how fast 2015 went by and feel like I'm getting so much older. I hope you guys had a wonderful and blissful 2015 as much as I did. I'm so thankful for all the years I've been blessed with, both good and bad. 2015 was definitely a good year of me. Looking back, I actually did a lot and got a lot of things check off my list of moving on in life. (I don't literally have a list. It's more of a mental list.)

Reflection Time: 

I did a lot with my school and got really involved with the fashion movement in my community. Being able to go to SALT in the summer and going to a multitude of camping trips. Making many new friends and enjoying old friends. Got my driver's license finally!!! Having the opportunity to lead and serve in my church's Care Group Ministry. One of the things I'm most proud of  is being able to launch this blog and my other social media sites. It's been something I have been thinking of doing for years and I'm super happy to finally have it up and running. There's just so much things that happened in 2015 and I'm hoping the best for 2016.

This was just a short wrap up post of 2015 and want to give you guys the opportunity to reflect on 2015 and tell me your highlights of the year and what you are looking forward to most for 2016. Again, Happy New Year and God Bless!


I just posted up my latest vlog on YouTube on the 2016 Hmong New Year, so please check it out down below.


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